Curator's Statement

From the earliest manifestations of artistic expression to contemporary interpretations, the contributions of Black individuals resonate throughout the ages, revealing clues to a past far more diverse and nuanced than commonly appreciated. This exhibition extends an invitation to visitors, encouraging them to delve into the intertwined histories of Black heritage and the Western art tradition. Featuring painted and sculpted portraits, each piece acts as a window into the multifaceted experiences of Black historical figures—spanning from royalty and literary characters to cowboys and familial figures.

Black history transcends beyond just American history; it is deeply intertwined with the history of the West and world history. Engaging with these artworks, viewers are prompted to explore representation, identity, and cultural memory.

Celebrating the enduring legacy of resilience, creativity, and strength, the works of LaQuincey Reed and Markus Muse illuminate rich narratives and forge tangible connections to the past. 

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